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Our work and impact

Our work and impact

We’ve been helping vulnerable, socially isolated older people for 14 years. Today, we have 10 weekly music groups and community choirs across York, in church halls, community centres, local care homes and in City of York sheltered housing accommodation. Every year, we expect to work with around 500 vulnerable older adults, and collaborate with local schools, colleges and universities to include hundreds of children and young people too.

Our impact in numbers

During 23-24, we supported 400+ beneficiaries during weekly music sessions and events, and worked with over 600 children and young people. In detail, we have: 

  • Delivered 330 weekly music and singing sessions for 298 regular beneficiaries
  • Involved an additional 188 older people at 20 community-based events, such as city-centre busking, concerts, and workshops at Age UK day clubs
  • Worked with a dedicated team of 25 volunteers
  • Included 659 children and young people
  • Organised 26 intergenerational sessions, projects or events
  • Registered 4,663 attendances across the whole project
  • Provided transport for 88 people, who would otherwise have been unable to get involved in sessions
Over 90% of people reported increased happiness, confidence, activity levels, social connections and new friendships as well as improvements to their physical
health, such as pain control, improved sleep and mobility.

Based on the above numbers and the high volume of referrals we are regularly receiving from City of York local agencies and NHS social prescribers, we expect to continue increasing the number of people accessing our project over the coming year


